By Vilidian (other events)

Monday, December 19 2022 8:00 PM 10:00 PM BST

KLIMT - Polar Series I


If you're interested in the recording throw me a message on Instagram.

I am also launcing a photo reference set Klimt-inspired in the upcoming days. Keep an eye on my account.

Thanks everyone!


Join me in five thematic lifedrawing sessions featuring a classic painter that will help me fund my participation in a 50-days sailing expedition to Antarctica on board a tall ship next Winter.

I'm starting the series with the iconic Gustav Klimt, whom I seem to have met at some point, in another life. Or so they say. ◽

The set-up, make up, hairstyle and accesories will evoque his golden multishaped universe, and poses and camera angles will be close to some of his paintings, with an emphasis on his intimate figure sketches.

This session will last 2 hours, poses ranging from 10 to 25 min, and we shall have a break in between.
A recording will be made for those who can't attend or are willing to work further on their pieces.

Limited spots.

Hosted by the great Martin Campos.  @camposmartin030